your salt choice


We use Oceanic in our main systems due to the high calcium concentration, then we just buffer the dkh to balance everything out.

In our show tanks we use Tropic Marin, as we have found it to be a little easier to work with when you have a system that doesnt get 2 or 3 large water changes a week, and does not have stock being ran in and out of it.

Sorry for the wait, just now got the notification that there was a reply. We typically use Kent Super Buffer for the DKH.


The last we heard from AquaMedic it will be the end of January before they receive the next salt shipment. They are completely out at this time, as we are too.
I see that you guys also carry Oceanic... and for the same price as IO in the 200g size.

Any particular reason for not using Oceanic? Or IO for that matter?
I personally am not happy with any of the main levels of mixed up Instant Ocean. We do however use Oceanic in all of our holding tanks. Our show tanks use Tropic Marin.
Whoops... had a little reading issue there (not advisable to chat on IM as your posting on the forums) :D

How is Tropic Marin easier to work with? I'd prefer not to do large waterchanges, but w/c 2 to 3 times per week is a lot more than I had planned.

I was thinking about doing a w/c once every two weeks. Would there be a benefit to choosing Tropic Marin over Oceanic?
With the Tropic Marin you just buffer your tank as normal, with kalk, cal reactor, 2-part, etc. With the Oceanic if you do consistent water changes your calcium is going to slowly creep up, and dkh down if you are buffering the same. The reason is that the Oceanic is so high in calcium compared to dkh.
We don't get much diatoms from the salt with the exception of what accumulates on the glass, however we fight a little cyano here and there with it. Is it a direct link to the salt? I don't know for sure, but we've never had the problem until we switched to the Oceanic.

We have a couple smaller office tanks, one sps/clam 60 total gallons, and an lps nano that we used the TM in. The larger office tank is being torn down and reworked currently though.
Sorry for the delay, just now saw the reply on the thread. I believe we have 6 or 7 buckets of the Pro Reef left in stock, available to ship immediately.