Yuma meltdown and recovery.


New member
I had bought a yuma from my LFS. When i got home I found that it had turned upside down in the bag and the rock it was atached to was smashing it. I put it into the tank and over the next 24 hours it was blowing brown stuff and half of it had melted down. I thought it was gone completely but then I noticed that it had reattached in a crevice on the rock.

It looks deformed but healthy, and still has a variety of colors to it. It has some of its "bumps" left. It is in a med flow area in a 20g long with 78w of compact fluorescent 6500K. It is about 6inches from the light.

Do you think it will fully recover, and is there anything I can do to help it?
Get it into lower light asap and it might make it, keep it in medium flow though so it can keep healing.
Yeah, what organism said, plus try not to do anything with it. Don't try to feed it or anything for a while. Just leave it alone. Yumas can be sensitive shrooms, so try not to do anything that could irritate it.
It is nestled down in a crevice where it is getting half light. It seems like the bulbs on the disk are coming back. I just don't see a mouth so I am a little worried about that.
It is a complete disc shape again. The mouth has come back and the color is coming back to it. It is still hiding from the light as much as possible but I did increase the total flow in the tank a bit. Things are moving in the right direction.