So I did a 15G water change on my 55G yesterday, and scrubbed some algea off of some of the rocks. I woke up this morning, and my YWG was swimming kinda vertical at the surface of the water. He almost looked as though he wasn't swimming but meing blown around by the current from my filter. I taped the glass and he went to the substrate and has been sitting there ever since. The weird part is I have a pistol shrimp, and in the month I've had him I have never seen the YWG venture more then 2in from the shrimp, now he is on the opisite end of the tank. He seems to be resting on his fins like normal, but not moving around much. I just put some food in the tank, and several pieces floated within .5in of him and he didn't even make an attempt to eat! One even hit him on the head. My water params are:
Ph - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate 15-20
The only thing that I think might have cause this is my SG which I usually keep at 1.025, I just checked and it is a little over 1.026. Can I safely add some water and bring it down to 1.025. It's less stressful to lower the SG then raise it right? Do you think that raising the SG from 1.025-1.026+ (probably when I did the water change) could be the problem?
What should I do?
I also don't see the shrimp anywhere, but mabye he's not coming out because he can't find the Goby?
Ph - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate 15-20
The only thing that I think might have cause this is my SG which I usually keep at 1.025, I just checked and it is a little over 1.026. Can I safely add some water and bring it down to 1.025. It's less stressful to lower the SG then raise it right? Do you think that raising the SG from 1.025-1.026+ (probably when I did the water change) could be the problem?
What should I do?
I also don't see the shrimp anywhere, but mabye he's not coming out because he can't find the Goby?