YWG Dying?


New member
So I did a 15G water change on my 55G yesterday, and scrubbed some algea off of some of the rocks. I woke up this morning, and my YWG was swimming kinda vertical at the surface of the water. He almost looked as though he wasn't swimming but meing blown around by the current from my filter. I taped the glass and he went to the substrate and has been sitting there ever since. The weird part is I have a pistol shrimp, and in the month I've had him I have never seen the YWG venture more then 2in from the shrimp, now he is on the opisite end of the tank. He seems to be resting on his fins like normal, but not moving around much. I just put some food in the tank, and several pieces floated within .5in of him and he didn't even make an attempt to eat! One even hit him on the head. My water params are:

Ph - 8.2
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
Nitrate 15-20

The only thing that I think might have cause this is my SG which I usually keep at 1.025, I just checked and it is a little over 1.026. Can I safely add some water and bring it down to 1.025. It's less stressful to lower the SG then raise it right? Do you think that raising the SG from 1.025-1.026+ (probably when I did the water change) could be the problem?

What should I do?

I also don't see the shrimp anywhere, but mabye he's not coming out because he can't find the Goby?
Just check again and he was like "clinging" to the glass at the top of the tank best I can describe it. Heres a pic sorry for the bad quality


I tried to catch him with a net so I could put him in a 5Gal bucket but he was to quick.
It's not the salinity, I just dont see how a 1 or 2 point change would make any serious difference. It's also interesting that he was still able to avoid being netted - sounds like he isn't as sick as you may think. That said, I have no idea what could be at issue.
Well I caught him, and put him in a 5G bucket with some tank water, I didn;t have any freshly made SW and was worried that if I mixed it and added him right away the new SW might shock him and kill him
He does look a little darker then normal, Im not sure what I should do with him? I have a QT tank but unfortunatly I have a Hippo tang in there right now.
Good. You may want to QT him and watch for his behavior and any signs of illness. He might just be having a bad day.
Well I can't put him in my QT, cause I don't want to risk him making my Hippo sick, should I leave him in the 5Gal bucket with no heater or filter? Should I add an airstone to the bucket?
The best thing to do would be use the tank water. Are you sure that he is really sick, because moving him might just stress him more. I also think that the change in salinty wont do anything. Any other fish harassing him?
I understand that I did use the tank water, an actually I didn't even have to chase him to catch him, I left the net kinda propped up on the top of the tank so it would be ready if he came near it so I could catch him. I went away for a little while came back and he had actually swam into the net, all I did was lift the net out of the water. As far as wheather he's really sick Im not positive, but he deffiently wasn't acting normal and not eating is never a good sign. My question is now what should I do. He is in a 5Gal bucket of tank water with no heater or filter.
Ya, that doesnt sound normal, get him in at LEAST a 5 gal tank, put a filter and heater on it then try to watch him to see what the problem is.
Unfortunatly I don't have a spare tank, and I know it sounds mean, but I don't really want to buy a new tank, heater, and filter :( at the moment I just found a job and only have like 80 bucks in the bank as sad as that is. I just went to the LFS to grab an airstone and talked to the guy there just for the heck of it. He said that keeping my salinity at 1.025 screws up the fishes bouyency and makes it more difficult to stay under, and basically stresses them out. Which he says is why he was swimming ta the surface. I don't really buy it, but he says I should keep it at 1.021 for Fo, and no higher then 1.023 for reef. Now I know most on RC seem to keep theirs at 1.025 with no ill effects.
he used more technical terms then that but I don't quite remember cause I was kinda letting it go in one ear and out th other :) But normally he does seem to know what hes talking about
todd, where in Va are you? there are at least 3 reef clubs in VA, with some very nice people, if you re close enough to me I would be more than happy to lend you a 10g tank and I'm sure I can find a little heater as well.

There is a Richmond club and a Roanoke club and a Blacksburg club. If you are in Northerm Va there is a big club WAMAS that coveres Washington, Maryland and northern VA.

Im in Danville, thanks for the offer. The house is at 76 now, so that shouldn't be that big of an issue, he seems to be swimming around the bucket more since I put the air-stone in I will give him an hour or so and try a little food. So do you think that guy is right about my salinity?
Personally I think that water should be kept at 1.026. See Randys article about tank parameters, this is my bible, any question about where a level SHOULD be I refer to this article.


All the "people in the know" that I have ever read think water should be kept in that range. The only people I have ever heard toting the low salinity thing is some store owners. Personally I hate buying from stores that keep salinity that low because I need to be sooooo much more careful acclimating their livestock to my salinity. Its a huge difference.

BTW if it was a buoyancy issue with your salinity shouldn't all your fish be floating?
