YWG Dying?

Yeah thats what I though about the salinity, I'll keep it at 1.025 where it is. I still haven't seen the pistol shrimp today, is it normal for them to hide when there is no Goby? Especially if their used to the Goby being there?
I've never had them but it seems probable. Don't they pair up in the first place because the pistol doesn't see very well? but builds a cave? If you know where the cave is then I'd put a bit of food right outside the door for him.

You might get a better answer from the fish forum, I'm just guessing. lol

<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6978638#post6978638 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by todd2000
I just went to the LFS to grab an airstone and talked to the guy there just for the heck of it. He said that keeping my salinity at 1.025 screws up the fishes bouyency and makes it more difficult to stay under, and basically stresses them out.
Then the ocean must be a really stressful environment at ~1.026 (35ppt) :rolleyes:

I think you'll be fine using the bucket as a temporary holding tank, a Rubbermaid bin of 10g or so might be even better. As someone mentioned, get a heater and filter on it and presto! Instant hospital tank. I hope he recovers, best of luck :)
LOL he said the ocen was 1.021 :). Anyway he's still aliive, unforunatly as I said B4 I really can't get a heater and filter, his color is still messed up he looks kinda grey and doesn't really move around much. I tried swishing near him with a net and he didn't really respond much just kinda moved away slowly insted of darting like normal. Hopefully he makes it through the night. I wanted to get rid of my Shrimp and Goby but not like this :(. I don't know what caused this and if I should be concerned for the other fish in the tank. I only have one False Perc. and he seems fine.
I just wish I could figure out what the problem is so I knew what to do. If I should buy some sort of medicine or what.
Well he made it through the night, since I don't really have a proper QT tank do you think I should just put him back in the display and see what happens? I just don't know what I should do.
If he's showing no visible signs of disease (no flashing, heavy breathing, white/black spots, ulcers, etc. etc.) I'd put him back. You want him to have as little stress as possible so try not to bother him at all and just let him rest. IMO his best chance is in a stable environment where he feels comfortable and can hide if he wants to.

If he shows signs of being sick, post in the disease forum and try to figure out exactly what the condition is. Once you know what's wrong, you can decide how to treat it.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6984248#post6984248 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by ACBlinky
If he's showing no visible signs of disease (no flashing, heavy breathing, white/black spots, ulcers, etc. etc.) I'd put him back. You want him to have as little stress as possible so try not to bother him at all and just let him rest. IMO his best chance is in a stable environment where he feels comfortable and can hide if he wants to.

yes this sounds like the best approach. Stress can be a killer.

I just put him back in the tank, he's swimming around a little bit still not eating, and not that I notice his skin looks mabye a little hazy, but im not sure. His color is kinda faded. But he does seem a little more active then he was yesterday. I hope my other fish doesn't get sick
Well this is a good sign the Goby has found the shrimp and their back to their usual ways. I wait till tommorrow and see if he eats.
Jut an update his color seems much better since he's been back in the display. He seems to be acting normal, hopefully he eats tommorrow. Cross your fingers for me.
YMG= Yellow Watchman Goby

Update I got the live brine shrimp and he ate quite a few of them. His color seems to be normal again, and he looks good. Mabye he just had an off day I don't know.
Good stuff! Glad to hear he's back to normal. Try to keep stress to a minimum for a while (well, always, but especially so right now) and I'm sure he'll be just fine.