ZEOvit Podcast


registered member

Hey guys, when I was at IMAC about a month ago I interviewed a couple diehards zeoheads about the zeovit system in general, how it works, the additives etc. Last week the recording was made available through talking reef.Check it out , hope you like it or at least find it useful. There's already a ton of questions from people who have listened so we'll proably do a follow up show to get into more detail.
try using rick click and selecting "save link as" or "save target as". Once you've downloaded it you can can play the mp3 file with many different programs including itunes, winamp, realplayer, windows media player, songbird etc.
Hey Jake,

I thought that the Podcast was good. Too much on the antecdotal side for me. Sparked my interest, but I would hate to be suckered into paying huge amounts of money for acetate.

I loved your lecture at IMAC and thought that you had one of the best presentations. I had amazing sucess in the past with a tank that had very little flow. I could never really understand how my corals grew so big. Well, I only had 175 W 10 halides with VHO's and I am sure that the combination of the PAR and flow was appropriate.

Looking forward to seeing more research from you.
Oh, I did not realize coralite was that Jake. I've seen your name on the boards for a long time and you always have good informative posts. I agree, great presentation at IMAC. I strolled in a little late as I was watching the end of another presentation and really regret it as I think I probably missed part of the best presentation at IMAC. It was great to hear the correlation between increased flow and increased photosynthesis rates. Just wanted to say it was a great presentation coralite.;)
Thanks for all the praise about the imac presentation guys. I worked on the project really hard for over 2 yrs so I put a similar amount of effort into the presentation. The results of this project are being written up for publication and I also intend to do a podcast on the research as well.

The zeovit podcast was mostly for introductory purposes. So many people hype it up beyond reality that many people are confused about what it really is. as it is, the system is still very new so it will be awhile before the zeo community really understands what is going on in a zeo tank but I'll stay on top of progress as it comes out.
Awesome, cant wait for the podcast of that. I would love to hear your data.

Check out this thread.


I put alot of good clinical information into the post. Depending on what happens, you might get good information for an aquarium clinical trial if you are interested. Observation trials like these are alot easier than what you have done.

Are you presenting at MACNA? If not, see you there, I'm sure that your are going.;)