Zoa always half open


New member
now I have scoured the net about why this is happening and I can only assume it is from pods...

Forgive my horrible pictures as I am using a droid bionic to capture them but the story goes like this. I have 3 colonies of zoas in the jbj 3 gallon pico using a evil par38 LED with 20k and all other corals are doing exceptional. I do, however have 2 colonies of hornets purple and red that just cant seem to be happy ever. This I find strange because they were single polyps purchased from my LFS and now the reds have 13 and the yellows have 7 and a new one forming.

Despite them being seemingly half happy or unhappy they continue to grow. 053.jpg


and these are the purples


I have dipped them in fresh water also freshwater and lugols... Help please!
Iknow that when mine are putting out new polyps they don't always look their best. They actually look a lot like yours. I would guess that yours are doing the same.

Another possibility could be too much light. I know those PAR38s put out a good amount of light. Maybe it's a bit much for them?

More info on your setup may help. What are your params? What other coral do you have in there? Any fish?
I'm using the kessel and par 38 over my 34 gallon Solana. My zoas do best on the sides rather than right in the middle. As soon as I put them in the center they close up and need time to recover. Palys seem fine in the middle though.
I have used the par38's and an led fixture and found that you really have to acclimate the zoas to them. I had more issues with the par 38's on my nano because i didn't have a dimmer. So i had to slowly lower the bulbs to where i wanted them.