Zoa Color Loss


New member

My zoas are all growing quiet well...esp with the new T5 lights. BUT, I've noticed the ody color part pulling back, esp in my dragon eyes. The green part of the dragon zoas is about half the normal.

I did go with the blue+ and attic blubs on the T5's, could it be because I have too much blue?

How long after the switch to the T5's did the fading began?

What type of lighting did you have before the T5's?

Are you using carbon or any type of phosphate reducing media?

How much are you using?

Have you had any drastic shifts in temp or salinity?

What's your current temp and does it flucuate throghout the day or night time?

How many bulbs are you using, what spectrum and wattage?

Mucho Reply

Mucho Reply

How long after the switch to the T5's did the fading began?
- I can't remember if they faded before the T5's. But they definate fade quicker with the T5's

What type of lighting did you have before the T5's?
- 2X55watt PC with 2X175 MH (10k)

Are you using carbon or any type of phosphate reducing media?
- Yes to Carbon
- Yes to Phosban (150 Mg / 8 weeks)

How much are you using?
- 8 oz Carbon
- 150 MG Phosban

Have you had any drastic shifts in temp or salinity?
- Temp is locked with Medusa at 81 degree
- Salinity holding at 1.24

What's your current temp and does it flucuate throghout the day or night time?
- Medusa holds temp within 2 degree at all times.
- Using Chiller and heat with medusa

How many bulbs are you using, what spectrum and wattage?
- 6 X 54 Watt T5
- 4 X Super Blue + for 10 hours
- 2X Attinic for 14 hours
- Lights are approx 6inches above my 90 gal
- Even zoas in frag tank under 55 watt pc's are fading