zoa eating nudi's = chameleons?


New member
Do zoa eating nudibranchs have the ability to change color? I have been battling these little f*%$ers for a couple of weeks now and have noticed that they always match the color of zoas that they are on. Do they have the ability to change color or is it something like adopting the color of the zoa that they are feasting on? I have many different colors of zoas in my tank and the color of the nudis correspond to the colony that they are eating.

On a side note, I HATE these things, and are there any suggestions for erradication? (I already dip the colonies twice a week, but cant seem to get rid of the eggs.) Do any fish eat nudis?
Hmm, I noticed that too. I have some orange ones eating my orange zoas.
I just manually pick them and baster them off the zoas for now.
I've read 6 line wrasse would eat those.
I've read many times that a six line will ignore nudis. You need a green coris wrasse or a yellow coris. I have also heard of the seagrass wrasse and lepordwrasse. But lepords are known to be really tough to keep. I had a similar problem got a green coris wrasse. Really neat fish it's always hunting for critters. A combo of that and keep dipping. It's a tough fight but one worth fighting if you love your zoos. Good luck
You need to hunt down the eggs after lights out and your polyps are closed up. Get out the flashlight and scrape them off. I turned off my pumps so I could suck them out after scraping.


+1 to what pens mentioned, I spent about a month with an eye dropper sucking off eggs and any nudis I saw and won the battle!
Saw what I thought was one of my eagle eyes moving It turned out to be a nudi, smashed it, and luckily never had another. Anyways yes, some match the colony colors.
you don't need to wait for night time, just use a turkey baster to blow water on the polyps gently to make them close. this will help you inspect them.