Zoa frag/propogation tank


New member
I have a tank that might be perfect for a zoa frag/propogation tank. Its 36x18x12. Anyone have a maintenance and dosing routine/schedule they can share with me?
I saw your thread in the MTRC section. No dosing routines or anything, but an idea.

I'm thinking of doing an acrylic tank for the purpose of a zoo prop tank. There's a guy locally selling a set of 4 coralife 150w MH pendants relatively cheap (it's been a bit, I don't know if he still has them). I think for a 12" tall tank, they'd be perfect, want to go in halves on the set?
I have tanks nearly the same dimensions.


Thats what I did with mine. I plan on feeding the tanks cyclopeeze and phyto twice each per week - as long as funds stay up for that :p Aside from that, I might use a Kalk drip should the system need it, but other than that, I'm just going to let things go naturally. I'll be growing mostly zoas and some other softies/LPS with the occasional SPS frag - but not very many of those.
Make your life easy and glue your zoas on something like the starboard material (DHPE cutting board also). If you do this you will make cutting zoas much easier by lifting them off a flat surface. Plus these cutting boards will do well when you cut the zoa mat.

Just an idea.
ficklefins, thats a good idea. I planned on growing my zoas/GSP out on acrylic or glass pieces but the cutting board material sounds better.
I actually thought of it while trying to get some zoas off a rock. I got frustrated and realized how much easier it would be to take them off the cutting board I had lying around.
Heck yeah! Zoas still use nutrients in the water, and that needs to be replenished. I plan on compulsive 10% weekly water changes in my system.
They use nutrients... but what is their bioload? Thats why I was asking about dosing something. If there is little to no bioload, a refugium w/cheato and dosing should do.

Supid me... I know. I just don't know much about zoos except they are in my reef tank and seem to do ok with no special attention.
Yeah - they dont need much in the line of water changes, but to achieve good growth, I've found water changes essential. Not that they wont grow explosively without the compulsive water changes, just thats my theory on the WC issue. I personally am not big on dosing things because I've found that water changes with good salt keep most levels where they need to be. Some people dose iodine for zoas, however, I'm terrified to add anything that can become so toxic so quickly and lead to huge problems. Plus, I'm cheap and dont want to spring for one, the test kit, and then two the additive.
True, but if something like reef complete or essential elements are enough... that sure is easy and pretty inexpensive. Plus we have the wonderful zooxanthellae they produced... so do they really even suck up much nutrients from the water?
I personally wouldn't dose anything to my tanks unless I have actually tested for it and found it to be depleted and in need of dosing. I use reef crystals... 20% water change every week and everything stays great.....

Oh yeah... and heres my frag tank on the left. :)

I've been using IO salt. I was considering using reef crystals for my frag setup - but I got a bucket of IO salt for christmas, and truth be told, I've spent too much on this system already :p
i'm currently using IO, had tried Oceanic and Tropic Marin pro for a while on my ~13G 'grow out tank'.

i was actually talkin w/ CoralNutz recently as my growth is just not there...

not 100% sure why yet, the only thing i 'dose' is some kalk in my top off water. (halide lit)

i did just bite the bullet and got a pretty high end skimmer for it though...

but back on topic: just about anyone i've asked seems to have the same answer: some do kalk, others not. but that's it other than food (typically cyclopse eez, oyster eggs, phyto, mysis, or a combo thereof).
I am able to get buckets of Reef Crystals for about $5 more than the IO (about $40/bucket), so I figure why not... seems to be doing the trick.... :D
CoralNutz, what kind of lights are you running? Also, I'm glad to see other people doing this with tanks similar in size as mine.
<a href=showthread.php?s=&postid=6669077#post6669077 target=_blank>Originally posted</a> by rsteagall
CoralNutz, what kind of lights are you running? Also, I'm glad to see other people doing this with tanks similar in size as mine.

On those two tanks I have an IC660 that powers 2x110 watt vho's on the 33L and 2x75 watt vho's on the 37. Both tanks have 1x URI 10K Aquasun and 1x URI Super Actinic bulbs. I just built my own wooden boxes to hold the lights, since the URI's have internal reflectors all you really need to do is pain the inside white. The lights on the 33L I put on chains with a hook. It's really light and easy to move up and down cause I'm in that tank a lot.