Zoa Frag Question...


New member
Hey guys,

I picked up some very small zoas a few days ago, and am not sure how to proceed. One is a single head, the other has three heads. However neither is attached to anything. I got them balanced on some rock rubble in quarantine at the moment, but it's hard to keep them there ever with the low flow I've got in there. I know when fragging your supposed to try and cut the rock under it, and glue from there. Since I don't have that option, can the stalk be glued, or do I have to to just try and keep them a rock till they attach themselves. I didn't know if the "super glue" would hurt the fleshy parts or not. If pics would help. I can do that.

Thanks everyone!!!

I'm curious as to what you have them quarantined in? You can either use super glue gel and glue the base of them onto a plug or rock. It is not good to get the glue all over them as it can burn them and cause them to die. When I glue zoas on a plug I put them in water immediately after I attach them to the glue to keep that from happening. Or you can try and place them in a small hole in live rock in the qt area and see if they will attach themselves over time. If its low flow and and they cant disapper in the depths of your tank its worth a try.

Good luck
No problem just use super glue gel and put a little dab on a piece of rubble. Push the stalk of the zoa into the glob and them place it into a bowl/dish of tank water. This not only cures the glue but cools it as well as it cures. It only will take a couple of minutes. Just remember alittle glue goes a long way.
I'll keep this short. In ER with my son waiting for the doc, writing on my phone. Quarantine tank is a 20G with HOB filter. Other frags in there as well. The Zoa frags are in a cup inside the tank to try and keep the flow low and the zoas in place on the rock. Thanksfor the replies everyone....

ok....finally back home. Little man is ok, no stitches were needed. It's amazing how inefficiently ER's are run. Anyways, I will try and glue those Zoas tomorrow with just barely enough glue so they don't move. Thanks again everyone for the suggestions.

Just a quick update....

I glues both heads yesterday and they are both doing great. I did just as you said, just enough glue to keep them in place, and submerge them as soon as they head hit the glue to help minimize damage. They were both opening back up within a hour and are now in my main tank looking happy as ever under my new LED's!!!!

Thanks again for the feedback!!
