Zoa frag tank help.

Crusty Old Shellback

Premium Member
Hey everyone, need a little help here. :p

I always seem to have some zoa frags growing as my local club members always seem to want some as well as I like to trade occasionaly here on RC. Well I had my frags in the sump for my 400G tank and they didn't seem to be doing well. Started loosing color maybe due to the lights, 14K Phoinex 150 W DE MH, as well as they were getting covered with alage. I've got a alage problem in the big tank right now but that's a different topic.

Anyways, I just got a 50 G tank that a friend gave me as he got transfered out of the country for a few years, good old Navy for you. Anyways, I was looking at it and everything was there except lights which I had a few. So yesterday I decided to set it up as a frag tank in my garage. Yea I know, just what I need, another tank.

Anyways, it's a clear for life one that he got from Petco when they were redoing their system. It has a complete filter area built into the back of it including a protien skimmer. I filled the bio ball area with LR instead and set it up. In the display, I just set up some egg crate so that the corals would be ablove the return ports.

The return ports are a bunch of small holes drilled into the back along the right side and along the bottom. Water overflow is on the left side upper top. I placed all of my frags on the egg crate after using a brush to clean off the alage. All that's in the tank now is frags, some pods and a bristle worm I found in one of the rocks but couldn't get out. Nothing else and the main display is bare bottom.

I set up 4 X 55W PC 10K bulbs on the tank for lights, two on each end. My main question is this, since I don't have anything in the tank, do I need to add any supliments like calicum or buffers since all thats growing in there is zoa's at the moment? Also should I feed them anything to help them grow faster, ie cylops-eze? Will the pods consume any leftovers? Any other ideas on helping them grow and recovering their colors?

The majority of these zoa's are coming from my other tank which has 175W 10K MH and 220W PC atinic. In that tank, they have bright colors on most of them. Only a few, which I beleive to be lower light zoa's, have browned out on me.

Thanks for any help.
well heres what i do and i feel like i have success

- feed phyto, marine snow, cyclopeze, and black powder say(some combo or one at a time) 2-3 times per week.
- i use a 175w 15k XM haylide pendant on a 29g tank and im in college and pay no eletric bill so i run my haylides 12-15hrs per day.
- also from what i have read zooz do not like high calcium. i feel they get enough from the salt so i dont dose. i will however test for it and if its low ill dose along w/ potasium iodide.

have fun and good luck