i got some frags about 4 week ago but they have all gone brown please can someone help me i have a
Hot Pink ArmourZoanthid Blue
Retro Metallic biue but now it green?
Wham and dragons lashes
Rare safecracker
Ultra rare orange delights
Lime Mouthed, Green Tentacled Yellow Ultra
Ultra rare eclipse like the one in the pic but brown :thumbdown
can some one tell me where they like it best in the tank they are about half way up the tank iv got 2X 250w mh
i got some frags about 4 week ago but they have all gone brown please can someone help me i have a
Hot Pink ArmourZoanthid Blue
Retro Metallic biue but now it green?
Wham and dragons lashes
Rare safecracker
Ultra rare orange delights
Lime Mouthed, Green Tentacled Yellow Ultra
Ultra rare eclipse like the one in the pic but brown :thumbdown
can some one tell me where they like it best in the tank they are about half way up the tank iv got 2X 250w mh