Zoa Help


New member
I have a 30gal cube tank with a 30 gal sump/fuge with cheato. Im running a reef octopuse skimmer and I change my water regularly. Im using RO water with Salinity and change 5 gal a week. My Zoas were doing great but now most have died off and i cant figure out the problem. Im going to pull all the fish and other corals and place them in my larger tank. All i am wanting to do is grow zoas in the cube but something isnt right and i cant figure it out. Any tips on supplements or anything in general would be greatly appreciated.
You should add more info about your system, so people could help you with that.
Could be so many things...

better to place them in a quarantine tank.
do you want to introduce sick coral/fish in your large tank? if you don't know what the problem is... ask a friend to take a look. test your water at your lfs.
His fish aren't sick. He isnt moving his corals to his larger tank. Just having problems with the zoas currently. Give us a list of the fish you have, more info about your setup, Lighting, water quality levels, flow, what you dose.... Etc then we can narrow it down.