zoa ID???

I don't think it is a zoanthids or paly, I would put money on it that it is not a majano anemone either. I can't stand the way people see some type of anemones and automaticly say kill it. They have no clue what it it is, and a blanket kill method you will eventully kill some stuff that you actully might have wanted if you knew what it was. I sat keep it and keep an eye on it, if it does no harm then whats the problem.I have never seen a Aptasia anemone that had colored centers. A better pic could help also, it looks like it has to many short tenticles for it to be a Aptasia anemone and the color and amount of tenticles does not resemble a majano either. Just my .02
The key to them not being zoas is the bubble tips. Mojano seams correct but a better pic would be needed. Like mentioned above.
Some of my baby Zoas have 'bubble' looking tips until they fully develop. They look exactly like what he had pictured for a week or two, then the tentacles stretch and no longer look like little bubbles. I don't know though. They just looked like my zoas. Or maybee I have Majanos? I don't think so, but stranger things have happened
I'd blow it off with a turkey baster and see if there appears to be a polp or matt underneath it. If not, it wouldn't think its a zoa.
ReefWifey: polp or matt? polyp? When mine are closed they look like big zits. Don't know what his look like when they are closed.
Take a look at the tentacles, are they arranged in one row (anemone) or in an alternating up and down arrangement (zoanthids=Palythoa or Zoanthus)?
yeah prolly an anemone (rock or mojano)...need a better pic for sure, though

Ha! That's funny, Nah I'm not really worried about it. Just happened upon that other thread and I thought they looked like Zoas and the guy was talking about Kalking them. So just thought I would post here to get him a little more exposure.
yeah i would use that as a last resort because you'll end up spending money there anyways--we all know how that goes!