Zoa nudibranch found : /


New member
I had a Zoa slowly start to melt away so I pulled it and dipped it. A small nudibranch which I used previous posts to ID as a ZOA eater fell out.

My question is, the nudibranch is still alive. I used Coral RX Dip as that's all I have locally. I soaked the corals for 10 minutes and blasted them with a turkey baster.

The nudibranch is still alive after being in the dip for 30 minutes. How will I know if I've gotten all of them out of the corals? I figured it'd kill it within the dip time.
Do a search for nudribranchs on this forum you'll see a treatment method I posted , FWE does nothing to eggs neither does coralRX. Its a 3 week process.

It's on almost every nudi thread that's been posted so shouldn't be hard to find and will rid of these for sure, it's not hard if you stick to the directions.


Do a search for nudribranchs on this forum you'll see a treatment method I posted , FWE does nothing to eggs neither does coralRX. Its a 3 week process.

It's on almost every nudi thread that's been posted so shouldn't be hard to find and will rid of these for sure, it's not hard if you stick to the directions.


Agree I meant once eggs hatch will have to treat again