Zoa/Paly question


New member
I recently added some live sand to my nano and about 2 weeks later I started getting cyano bacteria/red algae. Along with getting the cyano bacteria I had some polyps close up and look different than normal. I was wondering if zoas and palys are effected by cyano bacteria when its present in a tank? Also, whats the best way of getting rid of it?

My water quality ideal. 0 everything, 1.025 salinity and 10 dkh with calcium and mag good too.
Reduce organics, improve the water flow and check your lights.
The substrate will need to be there for a while to get the cycle done.
About 30 days from now you'll probably see things getting better...
Zoas are irritated by the cyanos, yes.
Good luck!!

No problem.
Just keep the regular maintenance of the system. More water changes won't help you.
Try to export some cyanos siphoning them out while doing the regular partial water changes and try keep the cyanos off the zoas as much as you can for now (a bit more of water flow, if can)...
