zoa pest/predetors


New member
im looking for information on zoanthid pest

i have a few colonies that close up frequently due to these little amphipods that crawl between the polyps, it almost appears as if they are munching on them

when i notice a lot, i dip the frags in fresh water and they all fall off. any info on what is going on or what i have? they are not red bugs
if the pods are bothering them you can always buy a wrasse or another pod eating fish. i have to say the best addition too any of my zoa tanks has always been a wrasse. you can also look at some pictures on www.coralpedia.com of some zoa preditors and see if any of them match up.
I have the same issue sometimes. I have a ton of amphipods and I am going to add a 6 lined wrasse and possibly a pipefish to eat them.
I used to have the same problem so I recently got a yellow coris wrasse and have not seen the pods out nearly as much. Plus the yellow coris is awesome anyway :)