Zoa plug/plate removal


New member
Do most reefers remove the zoas from the plate and glue on rock or do you just let it outgrow the tile. Very ugle looking but don't want to damage tem. Also can you just super glue the clump o zoa to a rock?
I tried them once many years ago and haven't used them since. I prefer to glue/attach any cuttings or frags directly to LR as it looks more natural in my tank.

Mucho Reef
Guess it’s a mater of preference. I was not a big fan of plugs for permanent placement either when I had the 90 up and running. I liked to glue them to a piece of live rock so I could move them around if need be. You still have that natural look and still have mobility as well. When I found that sweet spot I’d glue it down. On the other hand you will never see the plug once they grow over it completely. That maybe the way I go with this new tank not sure yet. We'll see when things start growing out.
I hate the zoas that are put on ceramic tiles....to me, very ugly and unnatural ...I personally like to glue my frags on small prices of lr...
I'm not a big fan of the plugs either. Recently I've only bought frags on cement plugs - I take a wrench to them and break them apart so I am only left with a little bit of cement directly under the glue/polyps themselves. Haven't figured out what I want to do with the plastic plugs yet.
You tell me......

Which one was grown on live rock or the frag plug?

Tubbs Blue or Green Dragon Eyes at bottom of tank.....



The Tubbs Blue were on LR piece.

The green dragon eyes at the bottom of the tank still have the frag plug under where they attached to the LR.
If the zoas are well attached to the plug, I leave mine on it. It's easier for me to glue and the zoas will grow over the plug and onto the rock anyway.
I like them on some type of plug or plate, and here is why. I lightly glue the plugs to the rock, and let the zoas fully cover and grow off the edge of the plug on to the rock. I then cut the plug out, letting the zoas grow back over where the plug once was. I then frag it, sell it, or use it to grow out more frags, making some of my money back.

I like them on some type of plug or plate, and here is why. I lightly glue the plugs to the rock, and let the zoas fully cover and grow off the edge of the plug on to the rock. I then cut the plug out, letting the zoas grow back over where the plug once was. I then frag it, sell it, or use it to grow out more frags, making some of my money back.


+1 this is how i do it as well.