Zoa pox maybe? And new polyp growth.


New member
I've been researching as much as I can about corals. Zoa pox is my current subject. I decided to examine all of my zoas because, I tend to lose a significant number of the frags within the first couple of weeks upon introducing them into my tank. I thought that it might have something to do with the particular vendor just 'fragging and bagging' the specimens, and not giving them enough time to heal before shipping them. Seems like I lose mostly the tiny, not very populated frags the most. Within my recent order, I lost 3 somewhat healthy 'hot pink' zoas. I have quite a number of other frags from this same vendor that are doing extraordinarily well.

My other pink zoas from this vendor seem to be fine, except for one. Upon closer examination, I noticed little specks beneath the skin, starting around the base, and continuing all the way up to the skirt. For the most part, this frag is pretty doggone healthy! I googled 'zoa pox' and found an image that really looks a lot like mine. Of course there was no actual diagnosis for the OP who was questioning the possibility of zoa pox. Just speculation. I am assuming those spots are just part of the make up of that particular zoa specimen. I really am hoping that is true, and not the dreaded zoa pox rearing it's ugly head in my tank. I have my particular frag placed about 15 inches from the light fixture. Perhaps this is one of the zoas that likes to be closer to the lights. Is anyone familiar with zoa pox enough to give an educated opinion by looking at my pictures? I snapped one photo while some of the polyps were open, and one where I forced all the polyps to close so that I could get a better shot of the suspicious specks.

I have another frag of zoas that resemble Eagle Eyes. There is some sort of growth coming out of the side of one of the polyps. Could this be just another polyp emerging? Or is this zoa pox?

I thank you for taking the time to read and respond!!!


  • ZoaPox.jpg
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  • ZoaGrowth.jpg
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Hard to judge by pictures, always, but...
I would say zoa pox for the first picture...
I would think zoa pox for the second image also...
Third shot is weird. I can't tell it's zoa pox.

I would treat all of them for zoa pox if they were mine, to see if they get better.
The symptoms for zoa pox are very distinctive from any other zoa diseases, so...
Yep, I think you've got it. Sorry.

I really wish I'm wrong!
And if so, hope others would help you better...

The suspicious dots appear to be under the skin of the polyp, and not on the exterior as described by Thanh Nguyen & Reef Junkie in an article on the CoralPedia website.
I believe zoa pox begins from inside, then it shows as external spots.
I don't think there is nothing that looks similar zoa pox, so...
I could be wrong.

Good luck.

Zoa pox come in little blisters and big that furan 2 treatment works great. I have found that they are not that sensitive to it as I forgot them in it all night and they were fine. I wouldn't suggest doing that but it happened and they are now thriving in my tank.
Zoa pox come in little blisters and big that furan 2 treatment works great. I have found that they are not that sensitive to it as I forgot them in it all night and they were fine. I wouldn't suggest doing that but it happened and they are now thriving in my tank.

Hi jbm:
I'm sorry but I'm not sure I understood your point here.
What did you mean by "are not that sensitive to it"? The zoas or the pox?
What is thriving in your tank? The zoas or the pox?
