Zoa pox!


New member
I just noticed i got a few dots on my zoas that look like zoa pox.

I live in Norway so I have to order furan 2 from ebay, just wondering how much I will need and what type to get!

Furan 2 bacterial 10 pack powder is the one I need?

Also how many should I get? Most available atm is 3, but not sure this is enough or maybe I dont need this much?

Only have 2 colonies, and 4 small frags with 3-8 heads to treat.

Thanks for reading :)
Forgot to ask, should i dip or treat any new colonies with furan 2 instead of coral revive? (I only have zoas, no other corals)

Want to prevent these coming into my tank again when I get rid of them!
from what i have read, zoa pox is introduced to your tank by you, generally nothing to do with the colony/frag to begin with...everything i have read so far leans toward zoapox being a reaction to excessive light, whereby the zooanthalgae (not sure how to spell that) over produces and essentially poisons the zoa with too much food...

as for which furanII to use, i dont know...i tried to use the packs you are referring too, and i think i overdosed with them, sadly my zoa's perished...:( (so far my other zoa colonies seem unaffected)
That's interesting, I just got a new MH bulb 2-3 weeks ago (previous one was almost 2 years old), theyre under 150w MH (12k), in the middle of the tank. What do you do to prevent this? Change bulb more often and less light in the start with new bulb? (I tried to go slow, as i was afraid theyd "melt" so I would have to move them around but they seemed perfectly fine from day 1)

I had not heard about zoa pox before I noticed the white dots on my zoas and checked it up :mad2:
I've never heard about the potential cause being too much light--very interesting.

I would get 4 or 5 packs of 10 just so you can potentially treat more colonies if you need and you don't have to re-order them.
are you sure they are zoanthids and not paly's? paly's have little white dots on their stalks (i believe the dots are calcium deposits) and are perfectly normal...zoapox looks more like little white blisters. (white and raised/inflamed)

as for too much light being the culprit, i dont know for sure, that is what i have read...i do know the colony i bought 2 weeks ago 40+ heads was under VHO lighting at the LFS, and in my tank the were under LED's, and are all gone but three polyps, that are drastically reduced in size, but opening again...here's hoping...cause they were beautiful.
It's my eagle eye zoas that are affected, pretty sure palys don't come in those colors (?) Hm it doesnt look like its standing out tho, it's a white dot on/inside the stalk and it does not stand out.

Heckeng there was only 3 packs available at ebay, sadly I can't get them sent from USA (no one have shipping to europe available). I ordered 3 days ago but didnt get contacted by the seller yet so it's going so slow he might restock before he get to me :p

I will try to get some pictures, hopefully you can tell me if its zoa pox or something else!