Zoa problem, please help..


New member
Good morning!! As you can see on the photos (sorry for the crappy phone cam) my zoas won't open, its like a bulb right now, with a very thin layer of brown algae i guess, or is it their zooxantelae?



This zoa's body is thinning out, and the polyp's like going to burst.



My hammer also lost a branch, saw it this morning...

My water parameters as of toady are :

Sg: 1.025
Ph: 8.4
No3: undetectable (Api test kit)
PO4: undetectable (Api test kit)
Alk: 7 to 8

Lighting: ATM 150watts DE, almost 1 year this coming May.

Eventhough No3 and Po4 are undetectable, Im still having GHA. I used to feed once a day, I just made it to twice a day coz my clownfish spawned and I dont want the other fish to disturb the parents coz they're hungry.. hehe

What could be the possible cause of my zoas condition right now?

I also lost some zoas recently, its like they're rotting, or being covered in white fungus or something..

Any medications possible?
Try furan 2 or an iodine dip. It looks like a fungus. Last time i had something similar I used a turkey baster after a few minutes of dipping to remover the white film over them.
Very hard to tell by those pictures!

My best guess would be bacterial infection.

Params shown are "ok".
There must be something else going on in the system!
The info given is not enough.

Generally speaking, I would treat with Lugo's (dip in a 8-10 oz container of reef water with 2 or 3 drops of Lugo's for a min., than do a fast dip again in another container with reef water before bring back to the display).

After the dip, let it be... Watch them closely. Whatever else that is going on in the system has to be fixed.
That could be: overfeeding, lack of maintenance, excess of nutrients or even additives, wrong light spectrum/intensity, etc...

My $US.02. to the thread! :D
