zoa problem


New member
this is my radioactive dragon eye. as you can see the lower half is close up. It has now been like that for three days? what can I do to help? will a seachem coral disinfectant dip help? maybe cut away the dead and hope it doesn't spread?
thank you for any insight


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as usual I did forget to add, all water params are in check
8.3 ph
9-10 dkz
0 ammonia
0 nitrate
barely detectable phosphate
non detectable nitrates.

zoa has been in tank @8-9 months
has been fragged twice
What's going on?
Predators? Check also at night.
Infection? Then you can dip.
If there is no signs of infection or predation just leave them alone and they'll probably be back to normal soon.
Make sure all params are in good shape and stable.

I don't think they are dead, so don't cut them off.

will keep an eye on them, my fear is that I see more and more of them starting to look the same. I have not witnessed any fish nipping at them just the occasional hermit or snail or shrimp crawling over. this is my first and only zoa, and this is the first time I have ever seen this happen
just checked it , it usually hangs steady between 9-10 today tested at 8-9. this has happened before in the past I just add some reef builder with my top offs and it gets back up to 9-10
Get the hermit away from it and see if that helps.

If they are closing more and more it could be infection!!!

Watch closely for infection and predators at night.

Any film on them? Algae? Are they still rough when you touch them?
If they're soft/loose they could be dying/dead, then you need to cut the dead ones off and dip.
Lugol's solution would be the best dipping.


Water change in the mornig. Will feel it then. Right now it is under actinics. U can see some still have the some color shining under the light even though they are closed. Yet others look completely dark . I will give it a touch test while water changing To figure out the next step.
dear god what is this thing?

dear god what is this thing?

well after lights out I did a lil snooping and pulled this guy off, maybe he is the cause? and um what the heck is it?


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im going to assume bad, I researched it and there seems to be a debate whether or not the eat zoas. well I did feel the polyps. removed the colony from the dt and the ones I feared were dead just kinda turned to goo. so I did cut away what appeared to be dead and dipped the rest of the colony. 5 tiny starfish came out like their asses were on fire. rinsed in water from the dt and placed back in. opened up within minutes. all in all I really didn't lose to much of the colony.out of the hundred or so polyps I think maybe 15 perished
will keep an eye on it over the upcoming weeks
thank you for the help
Asterinas aren't good!!
You probably found the problem right here!


i have had them in my tank for over 5 yrs and never saw them harm a polyp. Actually when i get some algae on the polyp it will close up than the asteria will go and clean all the algae from the polyp and the next day the polyp will start opening again. At least that's what i have noticed.
i have had them in my tank for over 5 yrs and never saw them harm a polyp. Actually when i get some algae on the polyp it will close up than the asteria will go and clean all the algae from the polyp and the next day the polyp will start opening again. At least that's what i have noticed.
Some times they reproduce like crazy.
They could open small wounds by accident when eating algae and make way for possible infections. Just like sea urchins. I've heard some can release some mucus.
They are ugly too.:hmm3:
