Zoa skirt color fading


New member
Why are some colours fading or getting brown of my zoa skirts(tentacles)
One colonny its clearly the oldest mothercolonny and the new ones just have their color
Waterparrameters are fine
Will take picture tomorrow
Are they getting enough blue light? That usually brings out the colors. Also, if they are getting too much light they could possibly fade in color too, but that's usually more of a clear color than brown.
Why are the new polyps at the edge of the colony ok??
They are having color on the tentackel
Thought maybe it vould be a current problem,outer edge gets full current en the inner polyps dont??
They are not bleaching ,tentacles are brown
I have the same issue sometimes, not sure what causes it but imo it was an alkalinity spike this time around. Doesn't affect all zoas just some specific types. The reason new polyps show good colors is because they don't have the buildup of zooxanthellae algae that makes the other ones brown. Eventually the mother colony goes back to normal, just takes a couple months sometimes.