Zoa spiders


For some reason or another I am very good at killing zoa I have been able to keep pretty much everything under the sun except for them you name it it has probably happened to me and now for the first time I have zoa spiders. Is there anyway to rid your tank of them besides doing the manual dip and quarantine I have been trying to look up if interceptor will kill them but I am having a hard time finding conclusive evidence. Also from what I understand there many types of zoa spiders but I do not want to bewrong and treat for the wrong thing I am not able to take a picture because they're far too small they look like tiny kind of see-through-ish spiders some other pictures I've seen online aremore berly looking like mini tarantulas but these are more like mini daddy longlegs. Any and all help would be greatly appreciated
I'll be tagging along...
Never had spiders in my life and it's aways good to hear from others.
Perhaps there are new methods...

Great question. The only spider I've seen was like you we're saying...clearish that looks like a daddy long legs. I found it while doing a Revive dip prior to adding a new zoo frag
Thanks for the link I couldn't get a pic because the one I found was very small. I hope interceptor will work manual removal is a pain. Also is there any info on their life spand if I were to remove my zoa for a period of time. There doesn't seem to be much info on these spiders but I have read they are a type of pod and if so then interceptor should take care of them. I havent seen one since the first one but usually if there is one then there are many.
i had them when i initially set up my tank from one of the various batches of liverock i got. noticed them before i started to add corals, and couldnt figure out how to get rid of them. decided i was going to go buy a zoa frag and put it in a spaghetti jar and try to trap them. got home with the frag to find my coral banded shrimp i added a few days before eating one. a few weeks later no sign of any, and still none a year and a half later. dont know if its a natural predator or i just have a fluke shrim that was starving from the petshop, but it took care of my problem. and i had more than a few of the creepy little buggers.
i had them when i initially set up my tank from one of the various batches of liverock i got. noticed them before i started to add corals, and couldnt figure out how to get rid of them. decided i was going to go buy a zoa frag and put it in a spaghetti jar and try to trap them. got home with the frag to find my coral banded shrimp i added a few days before eating one. a few weeks later no sign of any, and still none a year and a half later. dont know if its a natural predator or i just have a fluke shrim that was starving from the petshop, but it took care of my problem. and i had more than a few of the creepy little buggers.

I've never heard about that.
It should be good news!
