Zoa vs Elegance

So I moved stuff around. Tell me this, how will the Elegant, Frogspawn, and Bubble play together.

they wont get along they will kill each other , all of those corals will sting each other with the most potent probably being the winner. your elegance will take the worst of it and the bubble and frogspawn will be 50/50 on who will survive

granted this is if any of them are too close , each of these get to insane sizes and need alot of room to grow.
elegance will eventualy cause the zoas to die. Zoas are hardy and can take a beating but the stings will keep it closed up. Elegance have really powerful stings and will kill the other 2, the bubble and frog will also kill each other. When it comes to trying to keep things together the best you can do is hammers and frogs are ok. keep bubbles torches elegance and everything else to themselfs.
yep, both times a coral fell into my frogspawn the frogspawn won.

I keep my hammers together and in the same general area as the frog. I had issues with the hammer putting out their long sweepers at night and stinging zoas to death.