Zoanthid Database and Listing


Active member
Considering there are so many different types, colors, and places of origin (and different care requirements of each) I'd like to get a list together of any and every possible zoanthid or paly out there.

Obviously, you'd have to list the names, and that (IMHO anyway) would be a downside..... But I think having a centralized database with the Polyp's name, picture (for reference/ID purposes only), suspected place of origin, and, most importantly, care requirements, would be very helpful in troubleshooting problems and issues for the 'lesser experienced zoa keeper'.

I realize there are similar sites out there, like zoaid.com, and that's a great resource, however this list would be focused more on the care requirements of a certain polyp rather than a picture and name only.

For example: "I have a nice small colony of Purple Deaths. (Insert picture) .They are growing pretty heavily under strong light, but their colors come out best in a lower light setting (Or a higher Kelvin/Actinic spectrum). They seem to do best under medium flow, but can typically handle higher flow just fine."

Does this sound like something that would be useful? Any and all feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
Oh, and for the 'database' it would (in my mind at least :lol:) have to be laid out in an excel spreadsheet of sorts, instead of a wordy listing like the above example.
That would be awesome information
I'd be happy to add info on everything I have.

I think the toughest part is all the ones that have multiple names
Coralpedia.com has a great list so far as far as pictures and names. They don't have any care listed.

I would start there to populate the names/pics and then it would have to be filled in with care/light info.
Zooty, thanks! What zoanthids do you have a lot of experience with?

I guess we have 20-30 differnt ones, at least 15 of which are doing well and another 5 or so, I know what NOT to do with. I work on a better list but
Orange BamBams
Fire and Ice
black hole sun
Purple Death
Red People Eaters
radioactive dragon eyes
cinnamon palys (grandis)

usual story, some of these go by multiple names and I have a bunch of others that go by multiple names
Brown with orange mouth
brown with red mouth
gray with orange mouth
Yellow w /Brown skirt
couple different kinds of green

more, drawing a blank now