Zoanthid eating nudibranches


New member
I have finally figured out why my zoanthids have been not opening all the time lately. Some will open and some won't. I discovered some very small brownish nudibranches crawling on them(they look like like worms with several antenaes and bunches of antenae looking things all down the back to the tail. I looked at some pics and pretty sure they are zoanthid eating ones.

Is there anything i can buy to help erradicate the problem? I read something about maybe: sixline wrasse, yellow coris wrasse, or a green coris wrasse.

Dipping isn't going to be feasible. I would have to remove almost every piece of live rock in the tank since my zoanthids have spread throughout the tank. In fact, I have about 500+ zoanthids growing on the back wall and on the return loc lines.

Please post comments/suggestions. I hope that there is a live critter or fish i can buy to help with this issue. I would think something in nature eats them......thanks
You can try a wrasse but it is hit and miss and they wont touch the eggs. Best thing is to dip and inspect everything closely before it goes in tank. I don't know of the in tank treatment methods. Hope someone does and good luck.
Here you go.... I found this searching through posts. I personally have used this method to rid my tank of these darn pests. It will work.....

First, get yourself enough Salifert Flatworm Exit to treat your tank two times. Each Package contains enough solution for 300 gallons of water. Then dose your tank according to instructions and watch the nudis turn inside out and die. Since the process does not kill eggs, you will have to repeat the process a week later. Since no adults are left to lay more eggs and eggs hatch within 3-4 days, you will have a 100% success rate. Additionally, since there are only few nudis in a system at a time, you won't have to do any water changes to dilute toxins. (even a few hundred in a large tank is considered little compared to the number of flatworms you could have)
yup.... I have dipped with it. I have read several threads that discuss using flatworm exit in a dip as well.
I to have been fighting a battle with these pests.Every three days will dip zoas in a coralx dip for 10 minutes. On week two and wishing for a cure, Coralx does kill nuti's, but not the eggs.Will try flatworm exit and post back later.