Zoanthid eating Nudibranchs


New member
I have been seeing these little neon green Nudibranchs in my tank. The look identical to Berghia Nudibranchs except for their color. I always see them around zoas. The pics below are some I snapped earlier today. I would like to point out that the only reason they are completely closed is because I moved the plug from my rock to the front of my tank so I could get some pics. These pics aren't great but Any info on these would be much appreciated.



if you have coral dips use it in a separate container... dip, inspect carefully ( wear protective eye cover and gloves. ) don't want those guys squirting you in the eye. TRUST ME from personal experience.
The last zoa frag I bought was dipped in Coral Rx and it knocked off a Nudi.

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Do these nudis make zoas close up before they die?

they can, it doesnt always happen though

Will Coral Rx Pro dip kill them?

it will kill them but takes some time, when ever i get new zoas they go in a coral rx dip for 5 mins the a flatworm exit dip for 30sec to 1 minute

neither of these kill all the nudis 100% of the time and neither do any damage to eggs, so after the dips i rinse/thrash in a bucket then inspect the polyps for any remainng pests/eggs.

this should be done weekly if you suspect you have nudis.

i keep a black leopard wrasse, a melanarus wrasse and a green mandarin in my fragtanks to also help with any pests the dips may not get.
easiest way to find them is to look at your zoas at night once they have closed up. Where the nudi's are, it will look like an open polyp. Suck them of with a baster and then kill 'em!
Im wondering what type of patrols should i get lol. I thought Mandarins only cover pods? I want some nudi killing wrasses just in case lol
Im wondering what type of patrols should i get lol. I thought Mandarins only cover pods? I want some nudi killing wrasses just in case lol

six lines imo arnt good choices they tend to get lazy, and are very aggressive.

mandarins are good for pods yes, which can also have its downsides on zoos.
I'm glad a "bing" search turned up this thread. I recently picked up a rock with some zoa's, finger coral, and some mushrooms a week or so back. Noticed the zoa's are starting to close. This morning I'm looking at the tank and see what I thought was a new green zoa. It moved!

No, quick search and it turns up this thread and another that show these little coral eating nudibranch :( He is pretty quick, but I just said forget it and ran back to the tank, removed lid, and knocked him off. Caught him in the water stream and bye bye he went.

Wondering if there are any more...they come out any time of the day or typically night feeders?
search the base of the polyps or under the frag/rock their on as they may hide there during the day, check for egg masses. The link i sent shows a representative picture on how it looks and the egg masses.
I will do that. Thanks again. This is the second "bad" hitch hiker I recieve on coral from this local store. I'm thinking that is going to be it for me in regars to buying from that store.

I only caught this in passing and thought maybe it was a pair of clowns that I caught terrorizing my green frilly mushroom. They killed it and so I removed them over the weekend (found them a new home). Thought maybe it was them tyring to spawn or something and getting a bit too wild. Then I saw this in passing this morning.

So again, thank you. Will be taking a look and see what I can find.
no prob that's what were here for. Clowns do use mushrooms, frogspawns and others as their anemone sometimes.