Zoanthid Trouble


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So I know what zoa eating nudi's look like. and had one years ago. but right now there are little super little balls on my zoa's. They do move and take the color of the zoas they are eating. But now i found 3 white ones this morning. I did 3 FW dips already. Yesterday they actually looked great but i noticed in one frag they were in it. and to make sure i took a scalpel and poked and orange goo leaked out.

I also manually got it off and even with a magnifying glass could not see legs or spines or anything just a little orange ball. here is a pic. please help anyway you can.

If it is zoa eating nudi's my paly's will be fine? I have Purple paly's and nuc's that havent been touched. I only have like 3 frags of zoas in my 50 gallon and recently set up a frag tank if i need to move anything.

can zoa pox be orange?

and im pretty sure they were moving.

now after thats said, perhaps after my FW dips i have seen the white dots.

now im a lil confused. I have 3 frags if it is zoa pox will they infect anything else? If they all die can i never add zoas again?