New member
ok, so planning a reef tank and i wanted to know if its possible to have a island of zoanthids (many different types all bunched together) and have a Acropora in the middle of each colony?
Well usually when there's no light there's no growth. Once that acropora starts shading out those zoanthids your problems might be solved.
hmm, i might give this a try.
What's the difference between complete shade and a little shade? Either way you'll be loosing some lighting intensity which will most likely slow down growth, if not stop it. This might be just the break you need to get a handle on the situation. (start pruning) Just as an example, I would have to be a damn fool to expect some of the Zoanthids I have in the middle of my tank to behave the same way if I was to put them in the corner of my tank underneath my overflow box. It's just not going to happen in the shade IMO. Take advantage of this situation. GL.
From my experience the SPS encrusting action crowds out the zoas. Now if you've got palys, that may be a different story.
if you have to make a ring using 2part of epoxy , smooth it out around the base of the acro , as the zoas grow onto the epoxy you can simply snap off a piece whenever you like , countless reefers have acros or other sps with zoas its really not that difficult to do
good luck!