Zoanthids Closing


New member
I have 8 zoa frags in a 28gal HQI biocube along with some LPS and xenias. I have found over the last several days each day I have several polyps from one frag closed. Now have 3 frags completely closed. All frags were in the tank for over a month before the closing started. Trying to figure out why.

Also had 2 ricordia that looked great and then shrunk and disappeared in two days (different days)

Checking at night for pests and have not seen anything, though the Peppermint Shrimp seems to be picking through the zoas at night. I assume he is looking for scraps between the polyps.

Last tests:
Temp 80
Salinity 1.025
Nitrates 10ppm
Ca: 380

Any ideas?
Mg could be ~1350.
What's your maintenance schedule?
Water changes?
GFO? Other?

More info/ pics, please.
