Zoanthids not opening


New member
I have a small frag of Melon Zoathids that something is wrong with, Every thing else in the tank is doing great, i have some Palys, and some Yellow polyps that are just fine, I inspected them for snails and Nudis, but couldnt see any, their are some brown stringy things that were at the base of them, you can kind of see them in the pic, My water levels are all good, Amm. 0 Nitrites 0, Nitrates 0, Ph 8.2, Their are ALOT of amphipods crawling around on them, would this cause them to not open? Any one have any Ideas? Thanks

I'm new to this hobby and no expert but I have a small bunch that didn't open much when I first got it. I about gave up on it when it finally decided to open up nicely about a month after I got it. I think it was just taking a while to acclimate it. May be the same case for you.
The amphipods will cause them to not open. Dip it in revive coral cleaner once a week to help remove the amphipods. What fish do you have? I would suggested getting a fairy wrasse if your tank is large enough and your other fish are compatible i have three wrasses in a 55 and no amphipods. The pods don't eat the zoas, they just crawl around on them and cause irritation.
I'd carefully pick off that red stringy algae. I've had some like algae that bother my zoas. I don't understand why because there's so little of it, but picking it off made a difference.
They seem to be getting a little better, i picked all of the stringy algae off and dipped them in Lugol's solution, about half the polyps are open now! thanks for the help.