Zoanthids Not Opening...

That's not good. What's the flow, lighting, and water quality like? pH? Is anything in the tank molesting them? I assume they looked good when you purchased them?
The funny thing about buying things online... Dont know what they looked like.

Lighting 2 175 14k changed yesterday Originally 2 175 10k
2 24 watt t5 actinics
2 220 zoomed power crappers

ammonia 0
Nitrate 0
Nitrite 0
Phosphate 0
Ph 8.5 <- Digital Meter :-)
Calcium 450
Temp 81.6
keep them low in the tank, on the sand. i found that a lot of my palys like the lower light. then move up later
8.5 is pretty high for pH, IME. Have you calibrated the meter recently? Also, what sort of alk are you running? (high alk -> high pH)

Did you acclimate them slowly? Usually zoas open up within a couple of days, if not immediately.
Well, I dont remember that off the top of my head( ALKALINITY). I have some zoanthids they are all open. Which is weird. I acclimated temp with them thats all.
Could be some shock from changing water chemistry. Changes in salinity or other parameters would make it difficult to adjust. I would be especially suspicious this is the cause since other zoanthids in the tank are open.
Oh yeah, those pink zoanthids you sold me opened right up. With the same acclimation procedure. this one is a head scratcher... I will dip them tonight.
Don't do too much. There's a balance between helping and making things worse through increased stress. I'd start by lifting them out of the water, and hold them near your nose. You'll know if the polyps are dying, trust me. :D
those pink zoas will open in freshwater lol, they are tough sob's i had a rock w/ a couple stragglers in a bucket on my patio. no circulation no filtratio no nothing. they kept opening for like two weeks until the couple polyps died this weekend. i had them on a rock w/ some sponge that was dying so i didn't want it in either tank
Alright y then so scratch and sniff it is. Thats the only part I hate.... I should trick my girlfriend into smelling them... LOL
Sometimes you can get a bacteria infection that is under the polyp. You can do a Lugols dip. Diluted with tank water. put them under very high flow! To the point that they are almost rolling around from water. As Jeff said, sometimes you can do to much. But after 3 weeks it may be to late anyway. So do something different. Good luck.
btw that dip that julian sprung gave at the swap fest worked well on some new zoas that i bought yesterday. they opened up real fast. I don't know if the same would have happened regardless but i'd reccomend that product.