Zoanthids Shrinking?


I could use some help. April 28th I added a small colony of green and orange zoanthid to my BioCube 29 HQI. They were placed very low on a rock. It took a couple of days for them to start to open..but the progression was coming along, most if not all opened up. Came home from work about 1 1/2 weeks ago to find that they feel off the rock they were on into the sand, Zoanthids down. Ever since then they have remained closed,not opening at all. They look like they are shrinking away. Some polyps also look like they have something what I would call a fungus growing between them connecting them..anything I can do to save them?
probably sliming, since upside down in the sand, suffocating in their own slime.

Place them in slightly more flow but not directly infront of the pumps, Did you also acclimate them properly to the lights in your tank?
I believe I acclimated them correctly....within a day or two they were all pretty much opened and looking great...till they fell...thats when it I believe this all started..they could not have been face down in the sand more than 8 hours...fine when I left for work...came home face down.Plus its not like all of them were in the sand...I'm just baffled..
how long did you accilimate them for under your lighting scheme?

1 day , 2 days???? were they placed in the bottom in the sand, away from and not directly under lighting or were they placed 1/2 way already up the tank.... not clear.