Zoas and Palys DOA?


New member
I'm wondering what everyone thinks about ordering zoas and Palys online and determining what is DOA. In the past I have received zoas from vendors that I am very sure are not alive but still just look like a closed polyp. I don't have a macro lens to show details of tissue flaking or translucence so I don't bother to take a pic and just eat the loss.

Anyone have insight on what a DOA zoanthid picture should look like?
Thats tough to to show as sometimes they look ok until you put them in the tank and within a few hrs I've noticed a transparent like bulb that starts to develop over individual polyps.Ime, once you see this the polyps will start to deteriorate fairly quick.

Fresh cut zoa's that have not been given ample heal time before shipping,delays in shipping with not enough water is ,imo/e the most likely contributor to them melting down.
See if Ive got some pics for you.
I agree, once I see that transparency I know the polyp is most likely a goner. Unfortunately, I doubt that a vendor would accept a picture of a closed zoanthid as DOA under these circumstances.
I received some from an online vendor and I could smell the decay before I opened the box. I'd say the smell should give it away. If you can articulate that to the online vendor, and they don't accept it, deal with someone else. When I reported this to my vendor, there were no questions, only great customer service and a refund.