Zoa's closed and white(help)!


New member

I'd like to know the cause of my Red Zoa's close and lose colors. This is happening a few months with only Red Zoa's. I'm from Brazil and this zoa's are Brasilian coast. Thanks!

No, in fact the opposite. In my experiance, whenever I have had zoas bleach it was too high of lighting. However that doesn't mean it's the problem. How long have you had them, and how long has this been going on? They look pretty melted.
I had them in another tank(31gal) to 1 year without problemas(used 4xT5 24W lighting). But in this new tank(150gal) I had them to 8 months. This problem been going on 7 months. The actual tank have 2x150W Metal Halide 20K and 6xT8 40W blue and white).

I tried putting new Red Zoas two months ago but the problem is happening again...

Overview of my actual tank:
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Is that an angel on the left? Any possible nipping?

Hi RokleM, on the left have 3 Tangs = 1 Yellow Tang, 1 Sailfin Tang and 1 Powder Blue Tang. I don't have Angels.

Maybe the problem is the lighting or some kind of bacteria. I don´t now. I used bath with Coral Disinfectan (Reef Dip of Seachem), but I didn't have good results...
