Zoas Disappeared??


New member
I had a really nice colony of Pink Limeaids with 10 heads and another unknown colony right next to it and they were both fine yesterday and today they are gone. Not shriveled up, gone.
I can think of 3 things that could have happened. They just came unattached and blew away in the flow of the powerhead (I can't see them anywhere), My Longspine Urchin knocked them off and they blew away or something got them. I have a Coral Beauty that would be suspect. I have watched that bugger closely for the last month after I watched him picking on some new Acans I got and I have not once seen him or any other fish pick on anything.
Other fish I have are Yellow Tang, Melanerus Wrasse, Chromis, Yellow Goby, 2 Percula's and the Angel.
Without posting all of my parameters they are all what I would consider where they should be.
Any ideas? I lost some Monti Digis and a Monti Cap to Bleaching about 3 weeks ago and started to suspect the Angel for that. I have tried to catch him but without taking everything out I haven't be remotely close.
Do you think it's fish or the glue not holding? I attached one frag myself with Super Glue Gel (I have had things come loose before) and the Limeaids I bought and were attached to a tile. Weird they would both come off the same day I think.
I'd be suspicious of the Urchin and Angel. Also the Yellow Tang. I've either seen or heard of those three causing troubles with corals.
If they weren't attached good to the rock/plug, then sure they could've blown off... But I've never heard of colonies un-attaching themselves.
They could've melted?
My .02 I'm not the smartest when it comes down to zoas.
10 head zoa colony is a snack for them.
I've had a 2 1/2 inch G. bellus that eat many colonies in less than 48 hours in the past.

I think it is the Urchin. He has been camping on certain rocks and I know he has all but destroyed a mushroom colony I had. Today an 15 polyp colony of Triple Reds are gone.
I'm not ruling out anything but the Urchin is in the sump. We will see what happens.
It's been 4 days since the Urchin removal and I have not suffered a loss. I'm still hoping he was the culprit and it looks like it was.