Zoas Dying...

Shaun v

New member
Hello all,

I have had a tank for about 10 months now. I am having some issues with a couple different species of Zoas. It seems like some of the polyps are dying off. I sometimes find heads that are floating around the tank. They appear as though they were pinched off. I have some that have not opened at all for about 2 weeks. The rock I have has a variety of zoas and most of them look to be doing well and thriving. I have one rock colony that appeared as though it may have had a fungus so I dipped it in Reef Dip by Seachem. This colony seems to be doing better since the dip a week ago. The colony that I am having problems with now does not appear to have any fungus on it nor any spots that would suggest pox. I do not have any nudibranches that I can tell. I have looked at night with the lights off for an hour or more using a flashlight. I do have many asterina starfish in there and sometimes they are in the zoas but I don't believe they are eating them. I have included a couple of photos, my tank parameters, and my stock list below. Any suggestions? I would obviously like to save the colony if possible. I am thinking of doing a coral dip or freshwater dip on the colony I am currently having issues with but it will be a pain for me to get them out of the tank.

My tank parameters are

Temp 79.5
Alkalinity 9
Ph 8.2
Ammonia 0
Nitrites 0
Nitrates 3-5
Phosphates 0
Calcium 420

I use the Kessil Tuna Blue 350w for my light source. I don't have any filtration except for live rock/sand and 20% water changes every 7 days. I add Brightwell Aquatics Nano Code A and B as needed. A is not often and B is every other day. I use Instant Ocean Reef Salt.

Stock List
Lavender mushroom
Star polyp
Waving Xenia
Pulsing Xenia
Orange montipora
Jedi mind trick
Unidentified acro
B&W clownfish
Pajama Cardinal fish
Peppermint shrimp
Bunch of hermits and snails

Please help. Any and all suggestions or tips would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


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The corals were looking worse this morning and since I have not heard any responses, I took matters into my own hands and did a coral dip and then did a freshwater dip. The zoas are back in the tank and haven't opened up yet though it has only been about an hour since the dip. Hopefully this helps. I did not see any nudibranchs come out, just some copepods, asterina starfish and small white brittle stars. I will keep everyone posted. Any tips or suggestions are also welcome.
In the article I wrote for reefs.com I've had an invasion of asterina stars that were grayish in color and had irregular shapes. I've seen them personally munching on zoas and they've looked similar to your pics. Harlequin shrimp is an awesome creature and well worth adding, but remember that eventually you're gonna have to supplement it's diet with chocolate chip starfish, otherwise it will die of starvation (unless your tank is in the ~300g volume and mature). I feed mine one CC per 3 weeks.
ive also found out usualy twice a year around the same time i start to get a melt off on zoa's, no explained reason nor changes in anything in the tank
My lighting and flow are the same but I did just re aquascape. However, the problems began before the aquascaping. I have changed my water changes from 20% per week to 10% per week.
In the article I wrote for reefs.com I've had an invasion of asterina stars that were grayish in color and had irregular shapes. I've seen them personally munching on zoas and they've looked similar to your pics. Harlequin shrimp is an awesome creature and well worth adding, but remember that eventually you're gonna have to supplement it's diet with chocolate chip starfish, otherwise it will die of starvation (unless your tank is in the ~300g volume and mature). I feed mine one CC per 3 weeks.

I have thought about getting a harlequin but My tank is only 17 gallons and I hear they should be in 30 gallons or bigger. I also hear they do better in pairs. I wouldn't mind having one for a short while but I don't want to keep feeding it chocolate chip starfish after the asterina are gone. I would sell it or give to someone in my area.
any updates? I have just started to have the same problem with a colony of zoas,

I do have any update. I have dipped two of my colonies in SeaChem Coral Dip and my larger colony is looking better but my eagle eyes are looking awful. I did a freshwater dip two days ago on them because they are just melting away. I am thinking of doing a Furan 2 dip if the freshwater doesn't work. I may also purchase a harlequin shrimp. I have attached some recent photos.


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In the article I wrote for reefs.com I've had an invasion of asterina stars that were grayish in color and had irregular shapes. I've seen them personally munching on zoas and they've looked similar to your pics. Harlequin shrimp is an awesome creature and well worth adding, but remember that eventually you're gonna have to supplement it's diet with chocolate chip starfish, otherwise it will die of starvation (unless your tank is in the ~300g volume and mature). I feed mine one CC per 3 weeks.

I have a 17g nano. So, I don't know if I want to get a harlequin in there. If I could find someone that would take it off my hands after the asterinas are taken care of then I would get one.
After a freshwater dip for 10 minutes and placing the eagle eyes on the bottom and to the left most corner of the tank and a few couple days of rest, I am beginning to see improvement. I have a feeling that the lighting was too strong for the eagle eyes. I have since turned the lights down to 75%. I have not seen any pests on the zoas but I did order a harlequin shrimp just in case. I should have it by Thursday or Friday. I will post updates if anything else changes.
With the exception of the eagle eyes that fell off or melted away, they have come back completely. Yay!


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Always gradually aclimate all new polyp to ur lighting slowly

Yes. Thank you. I have had the same lights for 6 months now and the eagle eyes have been in my tank for about 10 months. I hade moved the eagle eyes down 3 inches and closer to the middle by 4 inches. I didn't think that would be enough of a change to cause any problems.