I have a skimmer hooked up but its the tunze 9002 and I just dont have the desire to run hoses all over the condo to get to the hall way which I doubt the air there is that fresh anyways.
I tried something experimental that may or may not work. I put some small chips of half cured agrocrete in the tank to boost the pH. this might potentially work well assuming there are no toxins in the concrete to begin with.
Well, the skimmer is a Tunze. They are good skimmers.
I'm kinda confuse here...
Hoses to the hallway? I'm just talking about opening the windows or something. LOL!!
Half cured "aragocrate" will boost the pH due to the presence of the non-cured concrete in the water, as we know.
The aragonite in the mix won't play that much.
There is no toxins per say in the concrete that would affect the system, but if there is an excess of uncured concrete that would bring pH high enough that would act like a toxin to the organisms due to the caustic properties of it, yes. That will depend on the amount of caustic substances that the rocks will release. That will also depend on what type of concrete used too.
I would say that pH higher than 8.4 during the day (lights on) is not a good idea.
pH of concrete rocks ("aragocrate") could reach 10+ on the starting point.
Depending on the type of cement used the curing process will take up to 60 days!!!
Just keep an eye on that stuff.
I would suggest to check the pH monitor and/or probe to make sure your numbers are accurate first.
Make sure the alkalinity test is accurate too!
Best and safest way to maintain alkalinity in the long run is with the use of buffers. Water changes will help you to correct the numbers and then you maintain with buffers.