Zoas haven't opened in days.

Uncko Macko

New member
I got a freebie Zoa polyp from a fellow reefer 1 month ago. They where doing great. 3 baby polyps started to grow from the mother polyp. But for the last 3 days they haven't opened. I have lots of other Zoa's in the tank and they are doing great. I also have 11 different kinds of SPS, Acons, Lobos, Clove polyps, Torch coral, Ricordeas, a tube anemone, red sea pom pom, green star polyps, cleaner wrasse, yellow tang, and a Golden Moray. EVERYTHING is doing great except for this one little Zoa cluster. Heck my SPS have never looked better. Noticed baby Acons popping out. Hmmmmm?????
Tehy are on the bottom of the tank, getting good light, slower current, and doesn't look like anything like crabs are messing with it. Would it help if I moved them?
I had zoas on the bottom of my 32g cube...one day they closed up and stayed like that for 2 months...

Then I changed out my lights - they were a little over a year old (the lights, not the zoas) - and they all opened back up again and have been doing great ever since! Note to self...don't wait so long in between bulb changes (I have power compacts).

Maybe moving them up into more light would help!
Ive had more than a few zoa colonys close up (one fell behind my rock work for more than 3 months...), and ALL have reopened. Some opened in a month, and the longest was just under 4 months. Dont give up on them until you see the clean up crew eathing them....thats when you know its gone.


I have a colony that will close up for several days for no apparent reason and then reopen. I'd keep an eye on them and wait. Have you checked them after dark?