Zoas in cold (freezing) water...


New member
Coral vendor, carrier and inclement east coast weather screwed up my delivery by four days. I figure at least two out of those four days the package was left in the truck overnight with temps below 20F.
Only coral to 'survive' was the zoas. Water they came in was freezing cold.
After floating the bags in warm water for a while I put them in my tank. They have been in there for 3 days now. I'm glad they haven't desintegrated by now but are completely closed up but somehow still retain their round plump shape.
Is there any hope for these guys? are they as good as dead?
Has anybody gone trough the same with a happy ending?
I want to believe...
Any help will be apreciated.

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well, I am going through a very similar problem right now. I asked the company not to ship my $300 of zoas and acans and they shipped them anyway. I have no clue how long the box sat there before I got home from work. The bags were really cold so I just floated them for about three hours and then drip acclimated them. I then put them in my refugium that has decent flow and I put some LED lights over the it. Within a few hours three of the colonies opened up, but the other 11 have not. That was only after a few hours in the sump. The color was faded pretty bad and Im assuming that is due to stress. Im 99% positive that the 3 acan colonies and the awesome lobo did not make it. i would wait the zoos out if I were you.
Got a shipment in about two weeks ago, similar conditions (four days, at least two without heat packs). Initially almost all the frags opened up (I slowly acclimated temp back up in a bucket of tap water), however over the course of the past couple weeks, almost all of them have melted away. However, out of the six frags, one recovered and has poped a new polyp. So there is some hope. If you bought from a reputable vendor, and the error was in the shipping, they should replace the frags.
Well, the zoas didn't make it.
They're all covered in algae and are starting to melt.
At least I tried.
I hope the vendor will replace them.
i have had better luck with colder water than warmer. i have found that when they get to hot they melt sooner.

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