Zoas losing their "lashes"


New member
Alk 8.4 Ca 420 Mg 1350

So I have a small zoa garden going. Rastas, whammin watermelons and a Sunny D. When I got the SD it had these long beautiful almost sparkly lashes and in the past few weeks it appears they have receded, been eaten or hell I don't know. Anyone ever have this issue with othe zoas.
Try dipping to see if you have some nudibrach eating them. Or just look for them. I seem to be able to find them but my husband can never see them at all.
Try dipping to see if you have some nudibrach eating them. Or just look for them. I seem to be able to find them but my husband can never see them at all.
Can't really dip them. They have now spread to my main rock. I look at my tank every night with a flash light just to check on things. I thought about that but ive never seen anything.

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Ill post an update since it's almost been a month. I had raised my nitrates pretty high battling cyano and I finally beat it. I noticed the loss of lashes in my Funny D's during this process. well I now have my nitrates back in line and have noticed my zoas are starting to regrow them. So yeah...
I have this problem now. Mine is caused but low nitrate and phosphate due to carbon dosing. After raising phosphate to .02ppm and nitrate to around 5ppm the tentacles are slowly growing back. Not sure if this is your problem but it is what caused the retraction of the tentacles and slow melting of my zoas. My Alk, Ca and Mag were all fine, just the nutrients were out of whack.
my zoas are not thriving anymore either.. about two weeks ago my tank was cyano dominated... and neglected for a long time.. im surprised they are still alive, they are really small now.. i hope they bounce back..

just tested water last night:

nitrates: 0 (api test kit) -- theres noway there is ZERO nitrates.. so my trates are probably like 5 ish...
phosphate: 0.03

my cyano was so bad the layer on the rocks was so thick and not even red.. but like almost black.. lol..... the reason being.. 68g tank and a kole tang... the kole was fine in there.. ate alot, POOPED ALOT.. i was not able to keep up with exporting his poop and it all just collected in the sand and after like a year or so.. it all turned into cyano on rocks and sand, etc.. i been cleaning it all up for like 2wks now..

I completely removed the sandbed and got rid of the tang.. just waiting on the bounce back..

so im barebottom now.. i actually like it better.. my plan is to get a bunch of zoa frags and put then on teh bottom glass :)

its so much easier to see poop build up now.. makes you wanna remove it immediately..

i cleaned all my pumps and return line and loc line nozzle... lack of cleaning pumps and return line led to poor skimming.. everything is running mint now.. i love it..

i blame myself and Overwatch (vid game).. i was obsessed with that game for like a year or two and totally neglected the tank.. now im obsessing on the tank and not even playing vid games..
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