ZOas, LPOS, SPS not fairing well!


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I have a 36 G BF with a 20 G sump that is two months old now but I cycled it instantly buy adding live sand and LR and filter media from an established and reliable tank from my LFS. I don't like barren tanks and it cost a lot to do this=] All my params are normal zeros for NO's NHs POs and 500/1480 for cal mag, kinda high no biggie ALK is at 10-12 and ph is 8.4 normally so no precip. All of my coral softies, zoas, sps, lps are dying in 24-72 hrs from introductions acting just like copper toxicity poisoning. tissue necrosis and expelling zoos. Zoas close up to never open back up start dying off, the LPS hammers tissue starts to recede and heads start releasing zoos. Sps just bleach out and tissue recedes. All under 72 hrs! NO COPPER! What else can be going on here? what else acts like copper poisoning but isn't?
I religiously dip everything after acclimating to the tank, and redip at first signs of anything bacterial. My UV Sterilizer keep s my early cycling bacterial blooms in check, never have seen ick or even a speck of algae growth outside my sump even when my PO spiked a little and nitrates one week. a water change and 24 hrs later and levels are all undetectable again.
any suggestions are greatly appreciated as this is one of my show tanks in my house and must be able to keep coral in it. Is there some kind of chemical used on tubing or in the tank to clean or? I never used any chems and just did a quick rinse on everything when I set it up. I have been doing two 15% water changes a week for the last three weeks and then adding one frag after to check, unfortunately its the only way I can test the system cause all my other params are normal. No Dice.
Thanks! Matt and Shadoe
Just in case, have you actually tested for copper?

What are you dipping with and for how long?

Hi thanks for the reply...

I use Iodine based products most recently MediCoral and Kents Lugols.

depending on how much I use, which can be anywhere from 80-150% of suggested for 7-15 mins. mostly as directed for 15mins.

And yes I did test for copper and I introduced a lot of carbon back in the tank and a polyfilter that did not change colors at all, well light tan because of organics. No heavy metals appear to be in the column.

I am stumped, I thought maybe some weird chemical residue that comes on new tanks or PVC piping.. thought someone might have had a similar experience...
Does the poly filter possibly have some aluminum embedded in it for phosphate removal and is it a cheap one as I've used one before and the ZOA's and softies don't like them, and once leached the shoot looked to stay in the tank. Just an idea.