Zoas not extending their lashes


New member
I have a couple of zoa frags that open so you can see the middle of them but don't extend their lashes. I will try and get some pics tonight. I have treated with furan and revive to no avail. The funny thing is they grow new polyps and the new polyps do the same behavior. Any recommendations to what I should do?
Tank is 30g cube, light is MH 250w. They are positioned on a frag rack in the upper corner (eshops). The problem is it is only certian frags do it while the ones next to them are fine. It happened to a brand new frag that started on the sand bed in the shade to light acclimate it. Frags that were on the bottom, middle, or top had it happen to them. Don't have water parametrs, I dose BW alk 8.3 3 days a week to keep that stable.
when your dosing that every 3 days are you sure all of that is being depleted. Cause if you keep on dosing to get the pH higher every 3 days and it's not being depleted you can actually drive up your pH higher than you want. I suggest you get your pH and ALK checked.