Zoas Vanishing


New member
I tried sorting through stickies for an answer to my question, but no dice. So maybe ya'll can help!

I have several different types of Zoas who were thriving very well in my tank. Recently though, some have been up and vanishing. My water parameters have never changed.

My ideas: I have a Koran angel, though I have never seen him nip at anything (and he has been with these Zoas for 6 months.)
I Recently purchased a neon Dottyback about the same time the zoas starting vanishing. Could he be doing it?
I have a TON of very very tiny snails in the tank. Can't remember what they are called though.

Could any of these three be causing zoas to vanish? Some of the polyps open halfway, some fully, some clamp shut all the time...

I just need some ideas or possible causes thrown my way. Hopefully I can get this sorted out!
PH 8.15 Temp 78-79 calcium 420 Nitrates 0 Phos 0 ammonia 0 salinity 1.023

If I had to guess I would say bulbs are at 6 months? I was gunna start changing those out next week.
I would guess its the angel
We had a foxface that we never saw touch a polyp but once we removed him from the tank, the zoas all did better

And - salinity is a touch low (but shouldn't be an issue). What is the ALK? I have noticed that they can be sensitive to ALK swings and low ALK
Ya I bumping my salinity to .024 then .025 next change. I have no idea on Alk. Is that DKH? I have never seen a test kit for these at my LFS
You can also look for things near the zoa's that kind of look like the zoa's. Usually very tiny and have little dreadlock looking things growing out of them. Possible nudibranch's. Maybe stake out your tank for a while and watch the fish to see what they do as well. Like the others said as well, get your salinity up.
So I found one of those bad starfishs in the tank the other day, and the girlfriend just found one too. Unfortunately I think it is too late for most of the zoas.
by the small snails you mean collonistas?


I do however believe it may be the angel. Angels are not zoanthid friendly and just because you see him not eating in front of you does not mean it doesn't when you are not watching. Many times they along with many tangs can be "model citizens" but then acquire a taste for them.

When you mention they are vanishing, are they vanishing overnight and not just one or two? Any sign of melting?

The starfish you mention. Are they the ones seen here? seen any other trouble makers in your system?
Yes they are the asterina starfishes. I havn't seen any of those other pests yet...
And yes, those are the same snails. In the hundreds. Colonistas.

By vanishing, I mean one or two are just "Not there" in the morning. It is averaging about 1 polyp every day and a half or so. However, in a different colony of zoas (bright greeen) the polyps are half open and appear almost deformed. Not sure what melting is...ill search for it
I think you may have something more serious going on here other than those stars. I have seen them irritate zoas/palys but not consume them overnight.
Sorry to hear that my friend.

Was gonna ask you 4 question to narrow this down, but then I saw the Koran Angel. DING DING DING DING...it is well documented that they are not safe with zoanthids. One of the two has to go ASAP. Sorry to tell you, but it's best you know sooner than later. Good luck with this my friend.

Mucho Reef
So this morning before work I caught my Koran dive bombing my zoas. Turns out he is in fact the problem. Dang!!!! Now I gotta figure out what to do with him
Wow, at least you have visual conformation. I'm sure you will have no problem finding a new home for him should you choose to part with him. It might be a no brainer if you want to continue keeping zoanthids. The LFS might give you credit, albeit less than its value, so I would consider posting in one of the local clubs selling threads or do a reefer to reefer trade. Good luck either way though.

Mucho Reef
That's the hard part right now! He is a b-e-autiful fish. So I still don't know what I'm going to do. I'm working on trading it to someone with a show tank right now so we will see. Thanks all
That's the hard part right now! He is a b-e-autiful fish. So I still don't know what I'm going to do. I'm working on trading it to someone with a show tank right now so we will see. Thanks all

This sucks, they are such a nice looking fish...glad you found the problem though :thumbsup:
It is horrible this coral addiction. Especially with the zoanthids. I would love angels and different tangs in my system but I got too many polyps haha.