Zola question

Bobby A.

New member
I have been in the hobby for a while now. Currently I have a standard 150 with AI Hydra LEDs. My tank is sps and LPS heavy with a few zoas in the mix. I use brs dosing pumps for ca and all daily, my stony corals grow like crazy but my zoas never really do anything. They don't look unhealthy. They just don't spread. Any ideas on what I am missing?

Ca: 430
Kh: 11
Nitrate: -1
Phos: 0
Temp is stable at 79.1 controlled by reefkeeper

Ca and kh are salifert kits but nitrate and phos are API. I know that can be a little unreliable.
You must have a good balance in your system and you probably don't want to change that!! Specially when the algae is well under control. And I would think it must be!!

If you really want your zoas to thrive with the SPS you'll need to carefully study deeper into removing the GFO and try to control the nutrients in some other way.
The problem is that when the system is well balance, if that's the case, using GFO, I wouldn't suggest any changes. That way you won't compromise the SPS growth and general nutrient balance.

Perhaps you could target feed your polyps some good coral pellets or powder, like Coral Frenzy. Small amounts! Target feeding twice a week would do the trick!!
Try that first. You won't regret.


Thanks yeah they look healthy they just don't spread. And they really are not my favorites.... But neither are sps. I mostly like LPS. I don't have any close up because my phone really takes crappy ones but here is a fits. This tank is 5 months old.

They do look great, as I've thought!
It's a bit bluer/purpler than I would like for my set up, but still good balance for the spectrum. Not bad at all!
Good job, beautiful tank.
My suggestion is to go very slow if you want to change anything on the system's maintenance.
If they are doing good it should be kept like that.
Perhaps you could try to target feed the zoas once a week with a good coral food, like Coral Frenzy.

Try to keep phosphates low but not ultra low, somewhere in the .001-.003 range and nitrates in the .25-.5 range. Growth of SPS will decrease and they may color up a bit more but your zoas will be much happier. You can also add liquid coral food, red sea reef energy A and B are awesome, all my corals love it, good luck.
Thanks guys. My phone makes it look much more blue than it actually is. But it's still kinda blue. Kinda looks around 15k. Is the issue with GFO or all phosphate media? I assume it's just the nutrient levels being so low. The main reason I run it is because I like to feed kinda heavy. I will try feeding them some. Then maybe slowly cut back on gfo.
Yep, as far as I know all media. They are pretty much the same.
I would say that if it is working for you just stick with it and if you really want to change, do it slowly, watching, like you've said.
