zoo pics

Ok...that's a SERIOUS collection!:eek1::eek1:

thats nothing you should see what i have growing:P

i have alot of nice ones i dont have pics yet or are still being aquacultured:)

hard to get pics as it takes all day but i will post more later as i get them:)
Hi I just bought a red people eater frag from a guy but the color is like brown with shimmering red but not as bright as yours. Do they color up with time or you need to dose something special in your tank to brighten your zoas? thanks for the advise
Hi I just bought a red people eater frag from a guy but the color is like brown with shimmering red but not as bright as yours. Do they color up with time or you need to dose something special in your tank to brighten your zoas? thanks for the advise

You may have the Vietnamese RPE which is dark in color almost purple to black sometimes and even brown , while the Hawaiian and Caribbean is a nicer red with blue around the neon green mouth.

I don't supplement much anything besides a few zeo products (Cs,Cv,Sp,AA) I do run gfo and a well oversized skimmer, few fish for certain jobs and large water changes. No live rock as its a grow system design.

I don't have a typical display tank I aquaculture zoanthids so the whole thing is designed with zoanthids in mind . Bright lighting (80w HOt5) in shallow systems(12"h) and lots of flow (sps flow rates) I 2 part Cal and Alk and run aggressive gfo . I rarely feed only for the fish.
Lookin good buddy! I wish I could have big tanks like that but I will have to settle for the new frag tank.:thumbsup:
Nice, love the flow! I wish I had room for some tanks like that!

Thanks a lot of flow for sure but no sand , no delicate fish or corals that can fall over lol

I find the flow crucial to keeping everything healthy and growing fast.

I have some new pics of new zoas I'll try to add here soon just haven't had time to post them and that video was taken with my cell:)


Lookin good buddy! I wish I could have big tanks like that but I will have to settle for the new frag tank.:thumbsup:

I hear you have some nice zoas too eh;)

Thanks buddy you should see what I have coming soon hehe ;)

Ps...go get your fragtank before I steal it and set it up lol
I have some zoas but don't know the name, can you tell me what they are? They are bright peach orange with green eyes

and the 2 frags starting from the right, full green white mouth and next green middle with pink skirt brown lashes.

thanks for your help
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I have some zoas but don't know the name, can you tell me what they are? They are bright peach orange with green eyes

and the 2 frags starting from the right, full green white mouth and next green middle with pink skirt brown lashes.

with the first zoanthids the coloring is so blended so its hard to nail down a permanent name so prob gets a few names as there's variations but it's a very pretty zoa , as for a name im not really sure, nothing jumps out at me.

The small one on the left is a pink hippo , it gets to be very pink And the green is very bright , large polyps too love this zoa.

The other is a candy apple variation , similar to candy apple purples but still has some coloring to do but it will be a beauty.

Post some others if you like I love seeing them:)



thanks for your help
Hi Denny, thanks for your help. It's funny that zoos don't color up that well in my tank. I bought some bargain bin corals from my LFS and it has pink with purple center colonies but 90% of the colonies are brown. So far it's been in my tank for 2 months and it has yet to color up. I have 6 bulb teklight on my 90 gal tank.

Here is another pics, the skirt on this zoa is green when put under my friend LED

I found this as hitchhiker on the chalice I bought

Hi Denny, thanks for your help. It's funny that zoos don't color up that well in my tank. I bought some bargain bin corals from my LFS and it has pink with purple center colonies but 90% of the colonies are brown. So far it's been in my tank for 2 months and it has yet to color up. I have 6 bulb teklight on my 90 gal tank.

Here is another pics, the skirt on this zoa is green when put under my friend LED

I found this as hitchhiker on the chalice I bought

If it's a standard 90g 24" tall I would imagine lighting could be stronger as I'm running a tek light also and only a 4 bulb but in a 12" tank. Zoanthids are very tolerant of high lighting especially if they've been in.closed systems for a few generations. Strong flow is very important as is keeping lower nutrients, the vibrant colors will come quickly and the polyps stay clean so long term healthy which results in growth.

I spent years feeding zoanthids and NPS corals, now I'm not such a fan:)

Ps...some of nicest zoos I've seen came in on a chalice . A friend of mine got a colonie of blue hornets on a painted chalice , polyps hidden under every edge lol