zoo results


florida guru
everybody clap their hands for rendos---as i promised when i returned from family vacation that i would try to get involved with the zoo to better improve it----well, they are not having it( according to my mother----they are planning renovations for the aquarium in 2010-2011( we will see) they apparently do not want any outside help( too much red tape involved) but upon further investigating she uncovered things that cannot be discussed----SO WE WILL LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE---she has since stop all future donations to the zoo and has encouraged all her customers to do so as well---

so everyone keep your head up, we got our own aquariums to view in memfish and kermit's and they are better looking
hmm.. what are you trying to get fixed at the zoo?
I actually volunteer in the aquarium department at least once a week.
The equipment is all old, but the work very hard with what they have...