zoos acting strangely


New member
For the past few days my zoo colony has been closed most of the time during the day and some of the polyps will randomly open then close again nothing much has changed in the tank other than the fact that I have started dosing alkalinity as I'm getting ready to get a sps coral and see how it goes in the past couple of days I've also gone from power compact to a par38 led but I don't think that's the problem because they were open for about a week with the leds on so IDK why they are suddenly doing that, my palythoas are also kind of doing it too just not as much I have them all in a biocube 14 anyone know why please reply thanks!
have you tried to stop dosing and just return to just water changes? i assume you are testing for what your dosing. dosing to much alk at one time will raise the Ph so watch that too.