Zoos won't open- please help!


New member
This is my first attempt at zooanthids but I'm afraid I'm failing: I have a 7 gal tank on my desk at work that I had set up running for 2 months before I added some zoos. They seemed pretty happy for about 2 weeks then started staying closed more and more often. I got concerned that maybe I had a pest so I gave them (and other rocks) a wash in ReVive but nothing came off. I've kept an eye on them and haven't been able to spot any pests (checking throughout the day and after lights off). My water parameters are pretty stable at Amm-0 Nitrate-0 Nitrite-0 SG-1.022 Temp- ~78. There is a powerhead that provides moderate flow (I've tried moving the zoos to areas of higher and lower flow). I feed the tank a couple of mLs of PhytoGold-S phytoplankton every couple of days. I've tried 2 lights- I started with a 14W 8 inch fluorescent (they were open in the LFS in low lighting) then tried 6700k with ColorMax T5s. It's now been 2.5 months since I've seen the zoos open- normally I would assume something not feeding that long would be dead, but they're still there- not disintegrating, they're even still purple. There's not much else in the tank (1 sponge and 1 mushroom- 5 'sexy shrimp', 1 porcelain crab, and 3 tonga snails). I'm really at a loss for what could be going on.
Any help, ideas, etc. would be greatly appreciated.
I would raise the SG to 1.026. I was also going to suggest moving them to an area of lower flow. I have some that don't like really high flow. I have also noticed mine close up when the inverts crawl around on them. Good luck figuring them out.
A pico tank is always a challenge with keeping things stable. The 14w fluorescent lighting may not be enough, but the t5s should be fine. Do the sexy shrimp hang out on them? They are not predators but by sitting on them they might irritate them. Do you have any pics?
After 2.5 months, numerous water changes, and finally posting this... I found a zoo eating spider! I can't believe I hadn't seen it before! I grabbed that little guy and gave him a 'nice' bath in revive. I'll keep an eye out for more. Any suggestions for fixing the spiders? I plan on giving the rock the zoos are on a bath every few days and keeping a good eye on it, but since the zoos never seem to be open is it possible that the spiders aren't getting hit with the CoralRX?